Search API1

To retrieve assets from one specific folder you call the folder namespace.

Regarding SessionToken : You need to have a valid SessionToken to be able to request any method here

Razuna SaaS Platform : If you are accessing assets stored on the Razuna SaaS Platform then make sure those assets are shared, otherwise you will not have any results.

  • Search
    • Search and finding assets
      • Method
      • Input Parameter
      • Output Value
      • SOAP: Sample Request
      • REST: Sample Request
      • Sample Output

Search and finding assets


Method Name

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
sessiontoken A valid sessiontoken String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
searchfor The search entry. Same search syntax as in Search and Find Assets applies. String yes Value to search Enter nothing and all assets will be retrieved
offset This request supports paging. Enter the offset here. Numeric yes 0
maxrows The maximum rows you want to request. Numeric yes 25 = show 25 assets ; 0 = show ALL assets
show What kind of assets to show String yes all = All assets ; img = Images only ; vid = Videos only ; doc = Documents only ; aud = Audios only
doctype Filters the doc type. Only applies if “show” is set to “doc”! String yes pdf = PDF ; xls = Excel ; doc = Word ; other = All other types ; empty = All doc types

The offset and the maxrows values are the same as the LIMIT option of the MySQL database. You enter the page (offset) and the amount of records you want to request.Example; There are 125 assets in a folder and you want to return 50 assets then your offset and maxrows would look like; offset=0&maxrows=50. For the next 50 assets you would use; offset=1&maxrows=50 to get to page 2 and so on.

Note : To return all records, you need to give maxrows a value of 0 (zero)!

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
listassets The body node of the returned list of assets
totalassetscount How many assets are in this folder 8
assets For each asset a asset node is returned with information of the asset see sample output

SOAP: Sample Request

search assets = new search();
string assetlist = assets.searchassets(sessiontoken, searchfor, offset, maxrows, show, doctype);

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>This is a description</description>